About Our Founder

Andy Schuh

Welcome to Thumbs Up Construction, a company built on the vision, dedication, and hard work of our founder, Andy Schuh. Andy’s journey from a determined individual to the driving force behind this remarkable enterprise is one that truly inspires us all.

Andy’s story is one of relentless determination and a passion for excellence. From the very beginning, he displayed a remarkable work ethic that set him apart. Born with an innate curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, he always pushed himself to learn, adapt, and grow. This drive laid the foundation for his eventual success.

Thumbs Up Construction was not just a business venture for Andy; it was the realization of a lifelong dream. With a deep understanding of construction and an unwavering commitment to quality, Andy embarked on a journey to create a company that not only built structures but also built lasting relationships. He believed that a thumbs-up symbolized more than just approval – it represented trust, reliability, and excellence. Andy’s commitment to making Thumbs Up Construction excellent was unwavering. He instilled in every member of our team the importance of attention to detail, superior craftmanship, and a customer-based approach. He believed that our work was a reflection of our values, and he held himself to the highest standards, inspiring us to do the same.

Andy’s vibrant and infectious personality was truly one of a kind. He had a remarkable ability to connect with people, making every client, partner, and employee feel valued and heard. His genuine interest in others and his ability to foster a sense of belonging within the company created a positive and collaborative work environment that continues to thrive.

His impact extends beyond the walls of Thumbs Up Construction. He was not just a founder; he was a dear friend and mentor. His legacy lives on in the fabric of this company and the hearts of all that knew him. The Thumbs Up Construction family is committed to carrying forward Andy’s vision and ensuring that his remarkable spirit continues to guide us in work, and in life.

With gratitude and determination,

The Thumbs Up Construction Team